Browse our kitchen cabinet gallery and find your dream kitchen inspiration! These real customer photos are proof that dreams do come true. Browse over 2000+ gallery images of our kitchen cabinets in our customers’ homes!

INS 1.webp__PID:d1f0d3b0-4ec0-4134-88cd-5e0d7d23786c
Modern Open Kitchen with Textured Slab Door Cabinet
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Stunning Coastal Kitchen with White Stacked Cabinets and Blue Green Island
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Dream Master Bath with Shaker Gray Painted Vanity
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Classic Coastal Kitchen with White Shaker Cabinets and Wood Flooring
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Modern Pantry and Bar with Slab Textured Cabinets
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Open Plan Kitchen with Off-White Shaker Style Cabinets and Gorgeous Views
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Classy Kitchen with Euro Slab Cabinets in Two Tones with Quartz Tops
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Furniture Style Vanity with Gray Stained Shaker Cabinets and Bunn Feet
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Coastal Modern White and Navy Kitchen with Stacked Cabinets
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Mudroom with Oyster Gray Shaker Cabinets
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Luxe Boho Kitchen with Shaker Blue Green Painted Cabinets
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Stylish Industrial Loft Kitchen with Slab Wood Grain Cabinets
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Large Master Vanity with Soft Beige Shaker Style Cabinets
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Bright and Inviting Home Bar with Mullion Front Glass Doors
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Large Coastal Kitchen with Shaker White and Smoky Blue Cabinets
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Large Transitional Kitchen with beige Painted Shaker Style Cabinets
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Shaker Style White Laundry with Open Shelf Cabinet and Black Hardware
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Modern Farmhouse Kitchen with Alabaster and Naval Shaker Cabinets
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Urban Mix Kitchen Shaker Green Gray Cabinets and Gold Accents
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Classic Kitchen with Mullion Door Stacked Cabinets and Pecan Stained Island
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Double Sink Vanity with Raised Panel Gray Cabinets
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Coastal Modern Kitchen with Shaker Stacked Cabinets and Double Gray Islands
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Modern Kitchen Featuring Slab Gloss White Cabinets and Black Accents
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Stunning Master Bath with L-Shaped Vanity
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Scandinavian Style Kitchen with Euro Slab Cabinets in a Light Wood Finish with Gold Tab Pulls
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Oyster Gray Wine and Coffee Bar with Glass Doors
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Glamorous Transitional White and Creek Stone Kitchen with Stacked Glass Cabinets
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Shaker Style White and Naval Kitchen with Stained Wood Hood
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Master Bath with Shaker Latte Stained Cabinetry
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Built-In Office using Gray Shaker Cabinets
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Transitional Style Kitchen with Two-Tone Cabinets and Gold Accents
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Modern Bathroom with Euro Wood Grain Slab Cabinetry